What Is an Escutcheon?

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

An escutcheon is a type of plumbing supply typically made of metal that hides the unsightly hole in the wall that pipes usually come through. People can also refer to them as flanges or cover plates. For example, you can find them on the wall or ceiling around a shower arm, under a sink where […]

The Benefits of Using Plastic Pipes

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

If you live in an older home and are due for re-piping soon, you’ll have to make a decision regarding what kind of pipe you want to install. Over the last couple decades or so, plastic piping has become immensely popular for homeowners due to a large number of advantages they can offer. So when you’re looking […]

How to Find a Garbage Disposal Leak

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

Even though you take care of your garbage disposal, things eventually wear out over time and a leak may develop one day. Despite your best efforts, these leaks can develop with little to no warning and potentially lead to damage under your sink, including developing mold or mildew that can have adverse health effects. To make […]

Drain Cleaning Solutions to Plumbing Blockages

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

Do you find that your drains regularly back up and clog or run slowly? Have you needed to constantly snake your drains because of another plumbing issue? Your drain lines may be clogged and you may be surprised to learn that traditional clog-removing techniques may not be enough to get the job done. Instead of temporarily fixing the issue, […]

Hire a Plumber in an Emergency | Columbus Plumbers

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

Whether you own a home, rent an apartment, or own a business, plumbing problems are unavoidable. A small leak that went unnoticed a week ago can turn into a deluge that can soak your carpets or make the bathroom floor a liability nightmare. If the worst occurs, you need to have an emergency plumber on speed […]

Three Natural Hazards to Plumbing Systems

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

Modern technology has advanced both home and commercial plumbing considerably, including protecting the environment better than ever before. However, the environment can also interfere with your plumbing system. As nature takes its course, it’s not uncommon for plumbing problems caused by natural forces to develop in your sewer lines, sometimes forming slowly while other times suddenly causing […]

Gas Lines & Safety: What You Need to Know

Gas Lines & Safety: What You Need to Know

At The Eco Plumbers, we provide safe and qualified gas service to residents across Columbus and the surrounding areas of Ohio. Because natural gas lines can pose many dangers, it is critical that all homeowners understand the importance of quickly identifying leaks and working with fully licensed professionals who can address and fix the issue safely. If you have […]

4 Ways to Unclog Your Toilet

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

Toilet clogs are just an inevitable and messy part of life. Even the best of us will have to deal with them at one point or another. However, if you have never handled a clogged toilet before, you may be at a loss of what to do when the water starts to overflow your bowl. Our Columbus plumbers […]

How to Keep Your Dishwasher in Prime Condition

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

Dishwashers are an instrumental and efficient asset to our lives. Not only do they save us time by washing and cleaning all of our plates, bowls, utensils, and more, they also help save us money by using less water than is typically used for hand washing dishes. The truth is, we usually don’t think about our dishwashers until […]

Preventing & Thawing Frozen Water Lines

6 Steps to Prepare Your Home for Winter

One or more frozen pipes is an unfortunate possibility in areas that get very cold during the winter months. Since water expands when it freezes, metal or plastic pipes may burst when the water inside turns to ice. Typically, pipes most susceptible to freezing are those that are exposed to extreme cold, such as pipes in unheated […]