How to Get Rid of Drain Flies

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What Causes Drain Flies?
People normally check under sinks and inside cabinets for signs of pests and creepy crawlers. But have you checked your drains? Clogmia Albipunctata, also called drain flies, moth flies, sewer flies, or filter flies, is attracted to those grosser spots in the home where organic material like hair and food collect. Drain flies feed off this debris, which is why it is important to keep your drains clean.

Are Drain Flies Harmful?
Flies are fairly common, and for many people, they’re hardly more than a nuisance. But with drain flies, that annoyance could quickly escalate. Let’s say organic material built up in your pipes, and a drain fly sets down roots. Once there, that single pest can lay 10-200 eggs that will hatch within a couple days.

After feasting in your pipes, they’re free to emerge from your sink or reproduce. This process can go on for quite a while, and you may face several generations before completely eradicating them. Disgusting, right? Time to get them out!

How to Get Rid of Clogmia
Resolving this issue is a bit tricky. Drain flies survive well in water, and you have to account for the full-grown adults and dozens of eggs. Trying a DIY solution, like pouring bleach, vinegar, or boiling water down the drain, is only a temporary fix. The eggs will survive, and you’ll have to start the battle all over again.

A more thorough answer will involve the following process:

Confirm the culprit. First, make sure you’re dealing with the right problem. Look for entryways where normal flies or comparable creatures are getting into your home. These insects earned the name “moth fly” because they look like a cross between those two species, so you can also visually identify them (if possible).
Locate the lair. Drain flies could be housed in your bathroom, kitchen sink, shower, sump pump, sewage system, or even your floor boards (if you’re also dealing with a burst or leaking pipe). You may have to address multiple sites because they breed so quickly. Furthermore, if you suspect a leak, drain flies could be breeding in a shower pan, crawl space, or underneath tiles if enough water and matter seeped through. Washing machine connections and drains are another area to check.
Neutralize the nest. Destroy breeding sites with treatments like safe drain cleaners. Drain flies are attracted to light, and some traps take advantage of this fact – though this won’t affect their nests.
Verify you’re not encouraging anymore unwelcome visitors, too. Even if you manage to undertake this process alone, you’ll need to confirm the organic matter is flushed from every drain in your home, rendering the pipes completely unappealing to these visitors.

Battling a Drain Fly Infestation? The Eco Plumbers Can Help!

A drain fly infestation can indicate a far greater problem. To ensure the best possible outcome, consider working with a professional team. Qualified plumbers can pinpoint any problems with your current system and ensure there is no organic matter hanging around that will attract pests.

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