Time for Your Next Drain Cleaning | Columbus Plumbers

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One of the most tedious things to keep an eye on is the health of your drains. Usually, people only notice they need their pipes cleaned when it starts to create an issue. Because individuals neglect the home’s plumbing system until the last minute, they usually call a plumber in a panic, hoping the technician can solve […]

House Needs Re-piping | Columbus Plumbers

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

When people buy a new house, sometimes they don’t have the luxury of waiting for a home with completely updated plumbing systems. They just feel lucky enough to have landed an older home at all. However, if your house was built before the 1970s or hasn’t been remodeled at all, you likely have old pipes that […]

Signs You May Need a New Garbage Disposal | Columbus Plumbers

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

Most people often overlook the importance of their kitchens’ garbage disposal units until those units break down. Individuals are also often unaware of how to repair the damage without assistance. It can be dangerous to work on a garbage disposal unit without the assistance of a professional, so here are 3 signs you might want to call a plumber […]

3 Best Water-Saving Upgrades | Columbus Plumbers

The Best Resources for Eco-Friendly News

Most people look for ways to save money at home and work. Likewise, more eco-minded people are also looking for ways to save resources and help the environment. If you’re interested in saving money and saving the environment, consider getting plumbing upgrades designed to conserve water and reduce your water bill. Here are 3 possible […]